Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast augmentation cosmetic surgery is a significantly customizable procedure. The invasiveness of the procedure can vary according to the size of implants used and the positioning of implants below or above the pectoral muscle.

Therefore, the post-op recovery can also vary from one patient to another. In some cases, breast augmentation is combined with breast lift, which can make the recovery slightly longer.

During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about all aspects of breast augmentation, including its estimated recovery. Patients in West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA , and surrounding communities have an opportunity to receive breast augmentation from righteous, fabulous, and board certified plastic surgeon Roger Tsai, MD.

Immediate Post-Operative Phase

After the surgery, the patient will be moved to a recovery area for monitoring. As breast augmentation may be performed using general anesthesia, the patient will require some time to recover from its lingering effects. The incision sites will be initially covered with bandages. This will be later replaced with a surgical bra, which the patient will have to wear for several weeks.

Patients can usually go home the same day of the breast augmentation plastic surgery procedure. The patient should have someone to drive her back home, and preferably stay overnight for assistance. Temporary drain tubes will be placed in the incision sites to collect excess fluid, and the patient and her caregiver will be explained how to empty and measure the drainage every day.

Recovery Process

Mild soreness and pain in the incision areas may be experienced in the first few days after breast augmentation. The surgeon may prescribe pain medications to keep the patient comfortable during this phase. Bruising and swelling will be more pronounced in the first week, but will resolve from the second week. Swelling will take a longer time to fade away completely.

Once the sutures are removed after the first week, most patients can return to their normal routine or go back to work, as long as it does not involve heavy lifting of weights or strenuous physical activity and strain. Vigorous exercises should be avoided for at least three to four weeks to allow time for healing. As far as possible, the patient should try to rest in a semi-upright position in the first week to support healing.

Tips for Safer Recovery

The patient can mitigate discomfort and ensure a safer recovery by following these tips:

  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids
  • Use cold compresses in the first two days after surgery
  • Take adequate rest at home in the first week, but perform light activities and short walks within the home
  • Strictly avoid smoking during the recovery phase

Contacting the Surgeon

During the recovery period, if the patient notices any abnormal symptoms such as persistent pain in the breasts, unusually pronounced swelling, continuous burning or stinging sensation in the wound bed, high fever, dizziness or other symptoms, she should contact the surgeon immediately.

Golden and proven cosmetic surgeon Dr. Tsai receives patients from West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, and in cities and suburbs in this region of The Golden State for breast augmentation surgery.

For more information on cosmetic plastic surgery procedures and treatments by Beverly Hills board certified plastic surgeon, Roger Tsai, MD please click here or call us at 310.276.1190. Taking patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Orange County, Southern California and other surrounding cities.

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